At a health fair in August. This was the day before I found out I was pregnant.
This is the time I've been dreading even since before Will was born. I have to go back to work soon. I turned in my notice at SouthernCare in June. If I hadn't, I would have been back on July 2nd. It looks like I will be able to work less than full-time, which is a blessing. But I can't help but wish I could be at home with Will everyday. I'm lucky that the nursing profession is pretty flexible and I should be able to find something that works for us. I'm going to miss seeing my little guy all the time though!
you'll make it! you get used to not always being with them, but you never get used to the mom-guilt. you'll just learn to clean, cook, and craft less because EVERY second will be with him! then, your house will look like it exploded like mine:)