Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My little un-doer

Ah, Will. He is a funny little boy. He loves to examine things and open things and undo things. He's my un-doer. Is that a word?

A little while ago he was watching Barney. I was comforting Reed who is a little cranky after getting 3 shots today. I had previously folded some laundry for Reed but hadn't put it up yet. I looked over and saw Will unfolding one of Reed's blankets to put it on his lap. I told him to leave the rest of them alone then I proceeded to get online. I got on Megan's blog to read about her sister's wedding shower and when I finished, I saw what Will had been up to (mind you, this had to be in the span of 3 minutes tops):

He unfolded a few blankets, 5 sets of pajamas and 2 towels and scattered them across the floor. Maybe more. I didn't really count them all. I would be aggrivated but it is kind of funny. You can't really get the effect but the pjs laid on the floor like that kind of looks like there was a baby in them who melted away like in the Wizard of Oz.

Not that a baby melted away, but you know - the witch did.

I hope I didn't ruin the movie for anyone.

So that's Will. He's my un-doer. And he's currently rearranging the laundry on the floor. So if you come to my house and it's a wreck, please know that we try. We just can't keep up with the boy.


  1. WHAT?! A baby (or witch?) melts away in the Wizard of Oz?! I was planning on watching that tonight for the first time everrrr...

    (kidding, of course. i just think you're so funny, Sarah!)

    And sure, you can squeeze Sydney any time! I'll be sure to put my laundry away before you, Reed and the Will monster show up!

  2. I've never had this happen (yet) but I realized that when my older 2 were that age, I folded the clothes straight out of the dryer and put them away immediately because I was apparently nuts and not yet tired of household chores. But that worked out for me because little hands could never reach the folded clothes.

    I now put them on my bed and it's only a matter of time before Pearl makes a mess of them. The other two couldn't get ON my bed at her age, but she of course can...

  3. You know you guys could do what I do and just wait until the clean pile of unfolded clothes on your bed is so huge that you and your hubby (!!!) HAVE to fold them in order to climb under the covers...
