Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nothing Says Summer Like Baseball

Last night we took the boys to a Mississippi Braves game. I took Will to one last summer but Brad and I haven't been in 2 years. It's a shame we haven't taken more advantage of having a minor league team less than 10 minutes from our house because it really is a lot of fun!
Will seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself. He kicked off the evening with by enjoying a corndog.
We need to work on chewing with our mouths closed...

And after he ate his, he ate half of mine. We spent a lot of money at the concession stands....
We saw my coworker Kerry and his son Noah at the game and they came and sat with us. Is Noah not the cutest thing you've ever seen? He is such a sweetie, too. He invited me to bring "the baby and the little boy" to his t-ball game this morning, but we didn't make it.

We watched some baseball...

...and Will played and danced and laughed and sang his ABC's. He even said "CHARGE!" when appropriate.
Reed seemed to enjoy his first trip to Trustmark Park.

He was especially delighted by my empty cup.
Look how at ease my hubby is being a daddy of two.
I never get tired of seeing things like this:
But we did get tired before the end of the game.
That was actually Will singing "Happy Birthday".
We left at the bottom of the 6th around 9:30. Will and Reed did great! Reed fell asleep on the way home and I got him out of his seat, changed his diaper and put pjs on him and put him to bed. He was out quickly. Will fussed for a bit before going to bed and I sacked out by 10:00. It was so nice to have an outing as a family. I look forward to going to the ballpark with my boys for many years to come. And maybe one day we will have a girl to bring with us, too. ;)

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