Saturday, June 26, 2010

3 Trips to GAP later...

Thursday I left work a little early and quite cranky. I had a stress headache and hadn't eaten so I decided a Chik-fil-a sandwhich would cure me. After I perked up a little, I decided to check out GAP, Children's Place and GYMBOREE. I hadn't been to any of those stores in awhile and the boys were both outgrowing their clothes.

GAP was my first stop and they were busy marking down some items. The salesperson told me all sales items were an additional 40% off. Sweet! I started grabbing everything I liked. The store was quite busy-busier than I'd ever seen it. I checked out with what I thought was a pretty good deal and decided to skip the other stores.

Friday I had to go back because a shirt and pair of jeans I got for Will were too tight. I decided to go to GAP in the mall. I found a few more good deals but was disappointed because their prices were higher than the first one. I then headed to GYMBOREE where they were having a huge sale also.

Today I had to risk my husband taking away my debit card to make one more trip to the original store. I picked out a few more items and went to check out. The first 2 items didn't ring up as low as they should so I asked and found out they were only 25% off. I told the lady I thought it was 40% off because that's what it was Thursday and I needed to rethink my selection. She kept ringing me up and said "OK we'll see". I was getting uncomfortable as she kept ringing things up and I thought she didn't undetrstand so I said again "I'm not sure I want all this." She said "It's ok,I will honor it." And then she made my balance go from $77 to $44. The 25% had already been taken off then she did an additional 40%!

So here is my loot from 3 GAP trips and 1 GYMBOREE trip:

5 Jackets
1 Anorak
1 hat
3 pairs of socks
3 pairs of underwear
2 pairs linen pants
2 linen shirts
2 swimsuits
2 t-shirts
1 polo
1 long sleeved shirt
5 sets of pajamas
1 romper
1 pair of jeans
1 pair of shorts

Total spent: $167.64

Total retail value if bought at full price: about $575 before tax.

I did good!


  1. Very good!! Way to go bargain shopper :)

  2. And mostly, you had fun doing it :)

    I kinda miss hunting for kids clothes. My kids outgrow them much slower now that they're older, and Pearl has all Winter's hand-me-downs and doesn't need anything. So it's kinda boring now.

    My game is to divide how much I spent by how many items I got (even if it's a pair of socks) and see what my average cost per item was. That's how I tell myself it was a good job or not ;)
