Monday, August 24, 2009

A Boy and His Loon

Brad told me it was 'time to update the blog' and he was right. I have been pretty lazy about blogging lately. My mind thinks of posts but I haven't put any energy into actually posting anything. I took these pictures a few weeks ago with intentions of posting them, so here we go.

Will loves balloons. He calls them 'loon'(s). Sometimes he rolls his tongue and it becomes 'lllloon'. Its really cute. Every time we go to Kroger he starts saying 'loon loon loon'. Ms. Bertha, Kroger's florist, always gives him a free one. It usually matches his shirt. He also starts shouting for them when we go to Chik-fil-a. But generally only one doesn't satisfy him. He wants all of the balloons. Anyway, it's a really cute obsession he has.


Such a sweet little man.


He will carry his loon everywhere.


Checking out a military cargo plane


Stopping to examine a mushroom.

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