The weekend before Christmas we went to the Canton Festival of Lights with Brad's parents. None of us had been before but it was so much fun! We will try to make this an annual event.
Canton is a popular location for filming movies. The square is picturesque and every year they decorate it with thousands of lights at Christmastime. The gazebo has a beautiful tree that has no inch untouched by a light. It is a popular place to pose and you have to wait your turn!

There is a huge tree that plays music every few minutes. Will really liked it.

Grandfather and grandsons.

Father and son.

Me and my Reedie pie.

Our family in front of the white tree.

I couldn't find Reed's gloves, so I had to stick some socks on his hands! It was freezing!

Reed was upset that he didn't get to ride the rides. Isn't his hat cute? His cousin Julie made it for him! Will has a matching one. Too cute!

Riding the carosel.

Will REALLY loved driving the cars. Luckily there were few people in line after his first ride so he was able to stay on for a second one.

I pretty much had to drag him away after the second ride. We were out of tickets and it was late! We stopped for one more picture before heading home. Will wouldn't look because he was still mad!

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