You are two months old today! It is amazing how fast these past 8.5 weeks have gone. You have grown so much! You are actually bigger than your bunny now.
We finally reached your due date 15 days ago. You are more alert for longer periods of time, but you still sleep quite a bit. You are becoming a bit more demanding, though and definitely prefer to sleep in my arms. If I put you down immediately after you nurse, you usually nap for 2 or 3 hours until you want to eat again. But if I snuggle you up next to me for awhile then try to put you down, you wake up and want to nurse to go back to sleep. I usually stay up until midnight to feed you, then we go to bed for the night. I put you in the hammock next to our bed and you will lay there and be content until I turn off the lights and get into bed. You give me about a minute to get comfortable, then you fuss for me to bring you in the bed with me. You stinker! You have me figured out, though, because almost every night you are right beside me a lot longer than you are in the hammock. Most nights you sleep for 5 hours in a row and then you nurse and go back to sleep for a few more hours. If your brother stays asleep until 8 or 9, I actually get some decent rest! I don't quite know how it will go when I have to be at work at 5:45, but I'm sure we will figure out a rhythm.
I can tell you are filling out. When we went to see Dr. Rogers 2 weeks ago, you weighed 8lb, 8oz and were 21.5 inches long! That is nearly 3lb and exactly 3 inches of growth since you were born! You don't fit into any preemie clothes anymore and are wearing newborn clothes and a few 0-3 month things. As soon as we use the last few newborn diapers, you are moving up to size 1's! And today, you finally wore your first (hand me down) pair of Robeez and they didn't fall off!
I know these don't look like December pictures, but what can I say? We live in Mississippi. The Bradford Pear trees finally decided to shed their leaves.
And look! Your brother decided to offer you one as a 2 month birthday gift:
I love you with all of my heart,
Precious! Will looks so handsome in orange :)
Such cute sweet pictures! You have a precious family!
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