And then...
I had to help with 2 bronchoscopies in the ICU. I don't like bronchs. I am not a fan of mucous. I got to skip lunch and leave work a little early.
And then...
I came home and Will was napping on the couch but I woke him up when I came in the front door. Reed was napping in his crib.
And then...
Will was being a total monkey and started slamming doors and Reed woke up. They were both whiney and fussy.
And then...
Will pushed a chair up to the kitchen counter while I was washing bottles and pointed to the bananas. He said "nana?", which depending on the circumstance either means a soft, yellow potassium rich fruit or my mother. This time he meant the former. I told him to hold on a minute and I would get him one.
And then...
I looked over and saw him peeling a banana which he had broken off from the bunch. Impressive. Didn't know he could do that.
And then...
I put Reed on his playmat and Will joined him. They were both happy.
Will tried to pick Reed's nose. You can't pick your brother, but you can pick his nose! Just kidding. He wasn't really picking his nose. I think he was saying "nose" or "baby" or "eye" and showing me.
I asked Will if he wanted to hold Reed. He nodded, so I put them in the chair.
Will got a big kick out of it. Reed didn't seem as thrilled.
Reed had enough, so I picked him up.
And then...
Picture time was over. I went to get something out of the microwave and had Reed in one hand and my camera in the other. So I set the camera down on the counter.
And then...
Two seconds later Will grabbed my camera and dropped it. The glass in my lens popped out on to the floor.
And then...
I had to take some very deep breaths and walk away because I was not a happy momma.
And then...
My mom came over and brought me some black bean and corn salsa. I could have taken a picture of it. But you know... the lens. I actually have more lenses but I was so sick over my favorite one being broken I don't even want to look at my camera right now.
And then...
My husband finally got home after a very long day of work. Seeing how stressed I was, he joked maybe we should just put the boys up for adoption. I agreed*. Then he KNEW it had been a bad day.
And then we put the kids to bed which was a tedious process but we managed. And we woke up and Friday was a brand new day and we didn't call the adoption agency.
*I am very thankful for my children and would never consider giving them up. It had been a
long week and I was a very tired momma!
No judgment here...I talk about giving my kids away all the time. I'll stop saying it once they understand what I'm talking about :)
There are days when I go, "Really? Is this really what I do?" And like you said, the next day is a new day!
So sorry about the lens Sarah! That's totally grounds for adoption if you ask me... :) I'm not judging either. I threaten to sell my kids to the zoo almost daily...
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