Saturday, November 14, 2009


Isn't family wonderful? I come from a large-ish sized family. I have 3 older brothers and with 2 of them being married and having children, our small house can get full, fast! After my shower last weekend my oldest brother and his wife brought their children over to meet Reed. The kids weren't allowed in the NICU and Cynthia, my sister-in-law, got sick right after Reed was born so she couldn't visit until now. My grandparents were in town and it was my mom's birthday! Missing from the crew were my brothers Joseph and Sam. Sam's wife, Emily, was at a baby shower for her younger sister who is expecting her first baby in January! Babies are such a blessing and I am so excited for Tressie to welcome her new baby girl soon. I am sure Sam and Emily are overjoyed to welcome a nephew and a niece just a few months apart!

My niece, Emma Claire, with her newest cousin

Aunt Cynthia looked pretty content holding the newest member of the family.

And he looked quite content in her arms, too!

We had a mini celebration for my mom's birthday while so many people were here.

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And my grandparents got to hold their 6th great grandchild.

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